
August 19, 2012

The Children of Ariel School - Ruwa, Zimbabwe

On Friday 16th September, at approximately 10:15, 62 children

from Ariel School, a private primary school in Ruwa (about 20 km

from Harare) were in their playing field for the mid-morning break.

Suddenly, they saw three silver balls in the sky over the school...

Source : african-schoolchildren-see-landed-ufo-and-occupant-ruwa-zimbabwe-september-16-1994

 Date     |     Orcus    |    Ixion    |   Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar    |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |
            15/ 9/94         | 16 le  7    | 27 sc  2    |  3 cn 23    |  1 li  5    | 29 sc 15    |  9 vi 56    | 18 ar 13 Rx | 13 ta 33 Rx |


                                                                      main planetary pictures

                                                   Mars-Mercury-Uranus-Neptune ( T-Square )

So what exactly happened on that day in 1994 at the school in Ruwa just east of Harare? “It was morning break and they were out in the school yard playing,” says Nickerson. “They saw one main silver craft that had four others around it,” says Nickerson. “It came down on a hill beyond the school yard that was out of bounds. The boundary was the edge of the school yard, then it was bush and the hill.

“They ran to the edge of the school yard to see what this thing was. They saw this small creature walk around on top of the craft while another came down to check out the children. He was all in black, with a very tight suit. The children said he had big eyes ‘like rugby balls’.

“The children had direct eye contact with this creature. There seems to have been some kind of communication with the children about the state of the world — what we are doing to the planet, the destruction we are causing, although not all the children got this message. Some of the children were traumatised, others were excited. The young children were the most traumatised as they were at the front of the group.

“They all went screaming back to the teachers. The teachers didn’t believe them at first. But then they went home and told their parents who came to the school and wanted to know what had happened.”

Soon afterwards the children were asked to draw pictures of what they had seen. “They did this separately. The drawings were all the same.”

A BBC television crew were first on the scene to follow it up. In November 1994, Harvard professor of psychiatry John E. Mack visited the school and filmed interviews with the children. He was assisted by South African producer Nicky Carter who had already made a short documentary on the subject for the SABC. “I had a half-brother at the school,” she says. “He was off sick on the day it happened, but the children told him all about it and he contacted me. Carter has no doubt the children were telling the truth. “When they were interviewed by Mack with all his professional skills it was clear they were telling the truth — their voice tone, their body language. They were so consistent, they told their stories with such conviction. And they spoke about it in their own language. One child recalled being told by the alien that we should not be so ‘techknowledged’ — why make up something like that?”
Sources and additional information :

Video : children's interviews

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