
September 29, 2012

Accident case : (severely ) Burned ( fire at home )

Accident case, severely burned and in an intensive care unit for weeks after the family home caught fire on 27 July 1996 at 04:30 AM in Melbourne, Australia. Andrew later underwent many skin grafts while in the hospital for 18 months, at times on the edge of death. He will be permanently scarred and partially disabled.

                               Natal chart of fire accident victim ( Burned 44272 )

      Date     |      Orcus    |    Ixion    |   Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar    |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |

19 Aug 1980  |   1 le 17    | 12 sc 41    | 15 ge 24    | 17 vi 46    | 11 sc 43    | 24 le 38    | 15 ar  5 Rx |  6 ta 40 Rx

From Astro-Databank, , source: Birth Certificate (Rodden Rating: AA)

                                                          main planetary pictures


                                    connected through 16th harmonic aspect series to :


                                              90 degree dial chart of fire accident victim

                                               8th harmonic chart of fire accident victim

                                              16th harmonic chart of fire accident victim


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