
September 16, 2012

Lucky winner ( Lottery ) case ( Michael Dubin )

American lucky winner of $25,641,100 in Mass Millions lottery on 6/25/1994 with a quick-pick ticket that he and his twin brother Lee had bought three days before and will share. They will be paid over 20 years in annual installments of about $850,000 a year and they will also help their parents, who are in poor health.Michael, more stable than his dare-devil brother, is an executive of a real estate company based in Los Angeles, CA.

                                                     Lucky winner's case no 1 natal chart

     Date     |    Orcus    |    Ixion    |   Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar    |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |
07 Feb 1954  |  29 ge  5 Rx | 19 li 44 Rx |  6 ta  5    | 24 le 47 Rx | 12 li  9 Rx | 25 cn  8 Rx |  7 ar 33    | 24 ar 25    |

From Astro-Databank,,_Michael, source: Birth Certificate (Rodden Rating: AA)
                                                                         main planetary pictures

                                               ( where Sun conjuncts Venus and trines Jupiter )


                                            Lucky winner's case no 1 -  90 degree dial

Lucky winner's progressions and transits for June 25, 1994 

    Date       |  Orcus    |     Ixion    |      Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar    |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |

 27 Jun 1994  | 14 le 20    | 27 sc 11 Rx |  1 cn 52    | 29 vi 50    | 29 sc 25 Rx |  8 vi 17    | 18 ar 30    | 13 ta 26    |

 pr. Asc trines natal Jupiter (exact) - (approaching conjunction to natal Sun in the 2nd)

pr. MC squares natal Mercury & sesquisquares natal Uranus ( activation of planetary picture B : ME=UR=VE/JU=JU/PL=SA/ASC )

pr. Sun changes sign (enters Aries) while trining natal Mars (exact)

pr. Moon approaching to the formation of a Grand Trine with pr. Asc and natal Jupiter

pr. Mercury approaching its natal placement ( second activation of the planetary picture B )
note : Lunar Eclipse on May 25, 1994 at 3Sag43

pr. Venus opposition pr. Moon

pr. Mars sextiles natal Sun and Venus

pr. Jupiter closes its natal trine to the Sun
note : the New Moon on June 9, 1994 at 18 Gem 17 activates the pr. Jupiter - natal Sun trine

tr. Jupiter trines natal Mercury

tr. Uranus & Neptune square natal MC and the Moon

for a related case click on the following link :

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