
September 17, 2012

Bocelli, Andrea ( Italian singer / blindness )

Andrea Bocelli, (born 22 September 1958) is an Italian tenor, multi-instrumentalist and classical crossover artist.

As a young boy, Bocelli showed a great passion for music. His mother has said that music was the only thing that would comfort him. At the age of six, he started piano lessons, and later also learned to play the flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, harp, guitar and drums. Bocelli would also spend time singing during his childhood...

...With the exception of the negative views of some Classical music critics, Bocelli is widely celebrated as a singer and is admired around the world. His voice's timbre is as recognisable as a signature, with a versatility ranging from the Bel canto to the furore of Verismo, from the sacred repertoire to popular ballads...

Loss of sight

It was evident at birth that Bocelli had problems with his sight, and after visits to many doctors, he was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma. In 1970, at the age of 12, he lost his sight completely following an accident during a football game. He was accidentally hit on the head during a match and suffered a brain haemorrhage. Doctors resorted to leeches in a desperate last-ditch effort to save his sight, but they were unsuccessful, and he remained blind...

source :

                                                  Bocelli Andrea's natal chart

    Date     |   Orcus    |    Ixion    |   Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar    |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |

24 Sep 1958  |  7 cn 19    | 22 li 34    | 15 ta  9 Rx | 29 le 20    | 16 li 16    |  1 le 51    |  9 ar 19 Rx | 26 ar 56 Rx

From Astro-Databank,,_Andrea , source: Birth Certificate (Rodden Rating: AA)

                                                         main planetary picture

                                         AS= (MC) = (VE) =JU=SA=NE=MO/UR

                                                       Bocelli, Andrea's 4th harmonic


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