
October 4, 2012

Paul Bernardo : rapist / serial killer case

Paul Kenneth Bernardo,  (born 27 August 1964 in Scarborough, Ontario), is a Canadian serial killer and rapist, known for the sexual assaults and murders he committed with his wife Karla Homolka and the serial rapes he committed in Scarborough....

childhood : Paul Bernardo's childhood was a strange one, to say the least. He was the product of an adulterous affair by his mother.

Nonetheless, he was accepted by his mother's husband and included in the family as if he was his adopted father's child. The man who accepted Paul was a pedophile who abused little girls, including his own daughter, Paul's sister. Mrs. Bernardo became aware of this somehow and reacted by becoming grossly overweight and depressed. Despite all of this, Paul Bernardo is said to have been a bright, handsome and well adjusted young man - at least until his mother told him the truth. At the age of 16, Paul Bernardo learned that the pedophile who had been raising him was not his father. Instead of being relieved, he was furious with his mother. He hated his adoptive father, but hated even more the fact that he was illegitimate. He thought of his mother as a whore and began to hate women. When he went to college at the University of Toronto, he had a string of relationships that were marred by his love of forceful sodomy. He would beat and rape his girlfriends, but always managed to stay out of trouble. Paul Bernardo went to work as a junior accountant following his graduation. He had a respectful job and was reasonably attractive. The problem was that he was a rapist with an ever-increasing appetite for sadism... source :

Sexual abuser : (Attacks on 19 women between 1987-1990) : Bernardo committed multiple sexual assaults, escalating in viciousness, in and around Scarborough, Ontario. Most of the assaults were on young women whom he had stalked after they exited buses late in the evening.

Homicide serial : (Strangled three teenager girls) : December 24 1991, June 15, 1991 and April 1992

complete chronology, facts and additional information :,%20Paul.pdf

                                        natal chart of rapist and serial killer Paul Bernardo

          Date     |     Orcus    |    Ixion    |   Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar    |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |
23 Aug 1964  || 13 cn 58    | 27 li 33    | 23 ta 54    |  3 vi 51    | 22 li 37    |  7 le 41    | 11 ar  8 Rx | 29 ar 34 Rx

From Astro-Databank, , source: Birth Certificate (Rodden Rating: AA)

                                                       main planetary pictures


                                       ( where Venus - Mars in exact conjunction )

                                     90 degree dial of rapist and serial killer Paul Bernardo

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