
November 4, 2012

Lucky winner ( lottery ) case no 2 ( Kenneth Greene )

Kenneth Greene, January 3 1958, 6:16 PM EST, Seekonk MA

Greene was a disabled truck driver who had no worked in 3 years. His wife, Joanne, was holding two jobs to support the family, and they were at rock bottom in their financial struggle. Joanne's parents were not able to help as they were about to lose their home of the past 30 years for non-payment of the mortgage.

When Greene bought a lottery ticket on November 25, 1992, the clerk ( in error ! ) sold him a ticket for Megabucks instead of the lesser-winning Massachusetts Mass Cash ticket. Megabucks had not had a winner for seven weeks and the prize money had accumulated up to $13 million. On December 21, 1992 Greene was cleaning out his wallet of old tickets when he checked the number on the one he had bought a month before. It had all the winning numbers.

When Greene and his wife went to the lottery Headquarters the next day, the were given a first payment of $6,5 million...

source : Lois Rodden's book ''Money'', page 84, ( Rodden rating AA : birth certificate )

                                             natal chart of lottery winner case  no 2

       Date |        Orcus |         Ixion |     Varuna |     Haumea |     Quaoar |    Makemake | Eris |     Sedna |
07 Jan 1958 | 4 cn 48 Rx | 23 li 33 | 11 ta 51 Rx | 28 le 53 Rx | 17 li 2 | 0 le 16 Rx | 8 ar 25 | 25 ar 53 Rx |

                                                  main planetary pictures

                            note : the Moon trines Venus and sextiles the MC's degree

                                JU=SU/VE=MO/MA=ME/PL=NE/MC=AS/MC= (UR/PL)
                                in parenthesis : including 16th harmonic aspect series

                                            where the Moon trines Venus
                                  in parentheses : including 16th harmonic aspect series
                                      lottery winner's case no 2 -  90 degree dial

                   Lottery winner's case no 2 progressions & transits for December 22, 1992

       Date     |         Orcus    |    Ixion    |   Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar    |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |
24 Dec 1992  | 14 le 27 Rx | 27 sc  7    | 29 ge 52 Rx |  0 li 51    | 29 sc  1    |  9 vi  0 Rx | 16 ar 57 Rx | 11 ta 41 Rx


pr. Asc conjuncts natal Pluto ( activation of the planetary picture PL=SU/MC=MO/VE=ME/UR)

( note :  on November 24, 1992 the New Moon at 2 Sag 21 squares natal Pluto )

pr. MC  quincunx natal Jupiter

pr. Sun trines natal Moon & sextiles natal Saturn

pr. Moon sextiles natal Mars and progressed Uranus

pr. Mercury conjuncts pr. Venus and both square pr. Jupiter ( note : hyper activation of the natal Jupiter/Neptune midpoint at 1 Sco 33 )

pr. Mars trines natal Pluto and sextiles pr. Jupiter

( note : on December 24, 1992 a Solar Eclipse at 2 Cap 28 activates the progression.)

pr. Jupiter sextiles natal and pr. Pluto

tr. Venus : return in its natal placement

tr. Jupiter trines natal Venus ( approaching )

tr. Saturn conjuncts natal Venus

tr. Uranus-Neptune ( second activation of the planetary picture PL=SU/MC=MO/VE=ME/UR)

* Lunar Eclipse : December 10, 1992 at 18 Gem 11 ( activation of the planetary picture A )

for a related case click on the following link :

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