
December 12, 2012

Timothy Leary's life altering psychedelic experience - ( Vertex )

for the first part click on the following link :
Timothy Leary : The Man Who Turned On America

...On May 1957, Life magazine published an article by R. Gordon Wasson that documented the use of psilocybin mushrooms in religious rites of the indigenous Mazatec people of Mexico. Anthony Russo, a colleague of Leary's, experimented with his own use of psychedelic (or entheogenic) psilocybe mexicana mushrooms on a trip to Mexico and told Leary about it. In August 1960,  Leary traveled to Cuernavaca, Mexico with Russo and consumed psilocybin mushrooms for the first time, an experience that drastically altered the course of his life.  In 1965, Leary commented that he had "learned more about ... (his) brain and its possibilities ... [and] more about psychology in the five hours after taking these mushrooms than ... in the preceding 15 years of studying and doing research in psychology."

source :

"Seeking the Magic Mushroom" (1957 article by R. Gordon Wasson, published in Life magazine)

Tuesday, August 9, 1960:
In his efforts to study, explore and understand the levels of human consciousness, Harvard psychology professor Timothy Leary ingests psilocybin mushrooms for the first time during a visit to Mexico. He later wrote, "I was whirled through an experience which could be described in many extravagant metaphors but which was above all and without question the deepest religious experience of my life." Upon his return to Harvard, he would establish the Harvard Psilocybin Project...
...In August 1960, Leary traveled to the Mexican city of Cuernavaca with Russo and tried psilocybin mushrooms for the first time, an experience that drastically altered the course of his life. In 1965, Leary commented that he “learned more about… (his) brain and its possibilities… (and) more about psychology in the five hours after taking these mushrooms than… (he) had in the preceding fifteen years of studying doing research in psychology.”

...Upon his return to Harvard that fall, Leary and his associates, notably Richard Alpert (later known as Ram Dass), began a research program known as the Harvard Psilocybin Project. The goal was to analyze the effects of psilocybin on human subjects (in this case, prisoners and later students of the Andover Newton Theological Seminary) using a synthesized version of the then-legal drug – one of two active compounds found in a wide variety of hallucinogenic mushrooms including Psilocybe mexicana...   source :  Timothy Leary: The Man Who Turned On America

additional reading :  The Harvard Psychedelic Club

                      Timothy Leary's relocated chart ( Cuernavaca, Mexico ) + astro-map

                           Timothy Leary's progressions and transits for August 9th, 1960

        Date     |    Orcus    |    Ixion    |   Varuna    |   Haumea    |   Quaoar  |  Makemake   |    Eris     |    Sedna    |
04 Aug 1960  |  8 cn 57    | 23 li 37    | 18 ta 13    | 29 le 59    |   17 li 39    |  2 le 58    | 10 ar 14 Rx | 27 ar 58 Rx

1- progressed Sun enters the 1st natal house ( conjuncts natal Ascendant )
2 - progressed Moon conjuncts progressed Vertex.
 both of them form the following aspects :
a- square to natal Mercury
b- semisquare to natal Pluto
c- sesquisquare to natal Chiron
( note : powerful activation of the main planetary picture : ME=PL=CH=MO/NE=JU/NN=UR/NE=PL/CH=AS/NN )
in addition : 
3 - second activation of the same picture by the transiting  Uranus and Vertex
( look figure below )
 4- Solar Eclipse's degree in conjunction to natal Chiron's placement.
5- transiting Neptune conjuncts natal North Node
6 - transiting Orcus conjuncts Pluto

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