source : wikipedia : Philippe Croizon
video : Le jour qui a changé ma vie Philippe Croizon ( in French )
Philippe Croizon's natal chart ( basic configurations)
Date | Orcus | Ixion | Varuna | Haumea | Quaoar | Makemake | Eris | Sedna |
15 Mar 1968 | 15 cn 52 Rx | 2 sc 42 Rx | 26 ta 11 | 6 vi 44 Rx | 28 li 39 Rx | 10 le 12 Rx | 11 ar 24 | 0 ta 14 |
15 Mar 1968 | 15 cn 52 Rx | 2 sc 42 Rx | 26 ta 11 | 6 vi 44 Rx | 28 li 39 Rx | 10 le 12 Rx | 11 ar 24 | 0 ta 14 |
From Astro-Databank,,_Philippe , source: Birth Certificate (Rodden Rating: AA)
main planetary pictures
main planetary pictures
Philippe Croizon's 9 degree dial
Philippe Croizon's progression and transits for the date of the accident
chart 1 : the Mars - Uranus effect ( electric shock )
1 - progressed Sun conjuncts natal Mars ( activation of the main
planetary picture : AS=MO=MA=JU/PL=UR/NE=NE/PL )
2 - transiting Uranus squares natal Mars ( second activation of the
same picture )
3 - progressed Mars sesquisquares natal Uranus
4 - progressed Mars semisquares the Sun/Chiron natal conjunction
( activation of the Sun/Chiron - Uranus natal opposition )
Philippe Croizon's progression and transits for the date of the accident
chart 2 : the Mercury - Saturn effect ( multiple limb amputations )
1 - progressed Mercury conjuncts natal Saturn
2 - transiting Mars and Pluto form exact 8th harmonic series
angles to natal Saturn
3 - progressed Saturn semisquares natal Mercury
4 - transiting Saturn conjuncts natal Mercury
5 - transiting Chiron opposes natal Mercury
Philippe Croizon's natal vs Solar Return chart for 1993-1994
observations :
1- S.R Moon - Saturn in exact conjunction near the S.R 3rd house cusp squared by S.R Pluto close to S.R 12th house cusp. Strong connection to the Jupiter-Neptune natal square.
2 - S.R Ascendant in the 1st natal house squares natal Uranus
3- S.R Midheaven opposes natal Mars
4 - S.R Midheaven squares S.R Uranus
5 - S.R Mars squares natal Saturn
6 - S.R Mercury semisquares natal Mars
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